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World most expensive books

World most expensive e-book

Earth's inner body is no meteor and planet.

 Your money is not  your Life! 1Word  is your life

Li Ching-Yuen or Li Ching-Yun (simplified Chinese: 李清云; traditional Chinese: 李清雲; pinyin: Lǐ Qīngyún) (died May 6, 1933) was a Chinese herbalist, martial artist and tactical advisor, known for his supposed extreme longevity. His true date of birth has never been determined.
Died: May 6, 1933; Sichuan, Republic of China
Known for: Extreme longevity claim and spiritual 
Born: 1736 or 1677 (claimed)
Nationality: Chinese

People not animal are machines or gods specific of people or relating to animals the human body disaster has been caused by human error. What definitions oxford no intelligent as one human being one person, one man? What is man or person? All are wrong.

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